Monday 9 May 2011

Music Suppliers

Nordoff Robbins Equipment Supplier - LMSMusic supplies offers a wide range of musical equipment primarily to music therapists and schools etc.
A large amount of the equipment is of entry level, which it can be assumed is selected to suit its primary market of those within education.
The large range of instruments available is a good gauge of the range of instruments that could potentially be used within music therapy, however they also offer a large range of specialised music therapy instruments.
However, many of these specialised instruments come with a high price tag compared to the standard versions of the instruments, when many of them just feature a simple stand upon which the instruments are mounted. Within the LMS Catalog these 'specialised' instruments are highlighted by the use of a music therapy logo, however this is not done on the website. ( Catalog provided within the paper based research package)

Meetings with a practicing music therapist has highlighted a large amount of instruments which are used within their music therapy sessions with elderly people suffering with dementia, a selection of these can be found linked below:
Hand Chimes
Wood Blocks & Agogos
Temple Blocks

It must also be noted that many of these instruments have been altered in recent years and the music therapist has noted these changes with many of them reducing the usability of the instrument. (These have been mentioned in the appendices of the report for this module. )

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