Monday 7 March 2011

"Wrongly Labelled"

An article (Source Article Here) looking at one parents experiences of the testing process related the being identified as having SEN.

She comments throughout on how her child became "anxious and withdrawn" before going through the process of repeated tests and visits to therapists etc. The parents says that after the first bout of tests there was " More assessment, more labelling, more worry" and goes on to question the effect of what this whole process could have on a child. When she believes that all her child needed was "nothing more than kindness and understanding from an experienced teacher".

If this parent has noted that there was a continuation of labelling etc on her child, what effect does this have on the child and also the other children within a school? If a child is labelled as having SEN what effect could this have on the other students that they are expected to interact with and work alongisde? The key to the social exclusion related with Special Needs?

A second article which also supports this argument can be found here

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